Understanding World Obesity Day: Significance and Global Efforts

World Obesity Day
30 Apr 2024
10 mins
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Understanding World Obesity Day: Significance and Global Efforts

    "Obesity is a global crisis that requires a global solution- Dr. Walter Willett"


    Most people are worried about obesity because of the social accusations they are facing due to their appearance. But more than that, obesity is not only about appearance; it also deals with health, which paves the way to various other health concerns, even cancer in the individual. In order to address these issues, World Obesity Day was created to spread awareness about the risk factors of obesity and the importance of maintaining a healthy weight in individuals. Today, we are going to discuss World obesity day, which is observed every year on the 4th of March. 

    Let's Talk About Obesity


    Everyone thinks obesity comes to people with more fat because they eat too much and do not exercise. Yet this isn't always the case. Obesity is a health condition where a person has accumulated excessive body fat, which harms their health. It is globally declared to raise awareness about World Obesity Day 2024 with the theme 'Let's Talk About Obesity And...,' which underscores the importance of initiating cross-cutting conversations among people about obesity.


    How Do We Conclude If Someone Is Obese? 


    Obesity is not just being overweight; people are considered "obese" if their weight is 20% above the normal range. Obese individuals would have a body mass index of 30 or above. Obesity is difficult to treat as it requires lifestyle changes. 


    Let's know what the BMI range denotes:


    • 18.5 to 24.9- Healthy weight
    • 25 to 29.9- Overweight
    • 30 to 39.9- Obesity
    • Forty and above- Morbid or severe obesity


    Why Do We Celebrate World Obesity Day 2024


    Are you surprised to see a special day for obesity in the global health calendar? And wondering why it is celebrated? So, in theory, the WHO's classification of obesity as a disease was first made in 1948. To acquire and maintain a healthy weight, to get the right treatment, and to stop obesity, this day is celebrated. 

    Causes Of Obesity


    Overeating and insufficient exercise are the two main causes of obesity. If you take in a lot of calories, especially fat and sugar, but don't burn them through physical activity, the body will store a large portion of the extra calories as fat. Obesity does not develop suddenly. It gradually manifests over time due to poor dietary habits and lifestyle factors.


    1. Poor diet

    • Consuming a lot of processed or fast food is heavy in sugar and fat.
    • Drinking too much alcohol.
    • Taking more sugary juices like soft drinks and fruit juice.

    In addition, avoiding healthy foods like fiber-rich fruits, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables can also result in weight gain.

    2. Medical conditions: Conditions like hypothyroidism, prader-willi syndrome, Cushing syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and osteoarthritis can lead to weight gain. However, weight loss will occur if conditions are properly evaluated and treated.

    3. Binge eating: Binge eating disorder is where the person frequently consumes large amounts of food, which might lead to obesity.

    4. Genetics: It is estimated that around 400 genes contribute to obesity or being overweight. These genes can affect things like hunger, metabolism, satiety, food cravings, and emotional eating and distribute the spread of body fat. 

    5. Lack of consistency in eating: According to studies, eating four or five smaller meals leads to lower cholesterol and more stable blood sugar levels. Compared to those of normal weight, overweight people often eat less.

    6. Sleep Patterns: Hormonal changes caused by lack of sleep might impact appetite and hunger. Long-term poor sleep can seriously affect your metabolism and make you more sensitive to weight gain.

    7. Lack of physical activity: Lack of physical activity can cause obesity and increase the BMI by increasing the fat storage in the body.

    Risk Factors Associated With Obesity 


    Obesity can elevate the risk of serious health problems, like fatty liver disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancers like endometrial, gastric or cardiac cancer in individuals.


    Navigating the Path to a Healthier You: Treatment Options for Obesity


    "Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable."  


    If your doctor gives you an obesity diagnosis, they will work to develop a treatment strategy. The main objectives of treatment are to raise your quality of life and lower your risk of obesity-related problems. Treatments include lifestyle modifications like adopting a healthy diet, engaging in physical activities, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. Weight loss surgery and bariatric surgery can also help people with obesity to lose weight.


    Facts And Figures On Obesity 


    • It is estimated that 1 in 4 individuals will be affected by obesity by 2035.
    • Since 1975, the global rate of obesity has nearly tripled.
    • In 2016, 13% of adults 18 years or older were obese.
    • Around 1.9 billion adults aged 18 and older were overweight in 2016, and 650 million were obese.
    • In 2020, 39 million under five were overweight or obese. Also, children's obesity is common in certain communities.
    • According to the WHO, 167 million individuals will be less healthy by 2025 due to being overweight or obese.

    An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure


    This world obesity day raises awareness about understanding and appreciating the complexity of obesity. Some of the prevention strategies for obesity are given below:

    • Limit the consumption of food such as red meat, refined grains, sweets, potatoes, and processed meat
    • Improving the habit of healthy eating. 
    • Less intake of beverages like sugary drinks and fruit juices.
    • Practicing regular exercise and other physical activities
    • Improving sleep routine and reducing sedentary lifestyle



    1. Are there any simple and natural ways to reduce weight or the risk of obesity?

    Obesity or being overweight can be reduced naturally by following some lifestyle changes like doing daily physical activity, eating a healthy diet, leading a stress-free life, avoiding alcohol consumption, and cutting down sugar from the plate.

    2. Does obesity affect the fertility of individuals?

    Yes, many of the studies show that being obese can be linked with infertility in both men and women. It can lead to problems in ovulation and also in the menstrual cycle of women. In men, obesity can cause changes in the hormone and semen production, which can lead to infertility.


    3. Does obesity affect pregnancy?

    Yes, obesity can increase the risk of pregnancy complications, hypertension, and diabetes during pregnancy. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant or think you might be pregnant to avoid the risk of complications during pregnancy.

    4. Can medications cause obesity in individuals?

    Yes, treatment with medications like antipsychotics, antidepressants, antihyperglycemics, antihypertensives, and corticosteroids can increase the risk of obesity in individuals. It is recommended to speak with your doctor about the potential effect of the drug on obesity and also the management options available.

    5. What are the complications related to obesity?

    Obesity can increase the risk of other health issues like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and fatty liver diseases and can cause 13 types of cancers in individuals.



    Obesity is not a personal issue but a social issue that people face all over the world. It is crucial to remove the stigma of obesity, which can also help to prevent the risk of other health issues related to obesity. On this World Obesity Day, let's spread awareness about the risk factors, prevention, and management or treatment options available to improve the strand of one lifestyle. Let's spread awareness, not mockery, about obesity.


    "Don't lose faith, lose weight- Dr. Sanjay Borude."

    Written by
    Ishwarya RMedical Content Writer
    AboutIshwary R is a Medical Content Writer at MrMed. She completed her PG from the University of Madras, Chennai. She did her final year project in CSIR-CLRI, Adyar, entitled Studies on production of Biosurfactant by bacillus subtilis using Leather industry bioproduct. She did her offline internship and learned clinical Laboratory skills in Billroth hospital and her online internship in SS Healthcare. She strengthened her skills in research, writing, editing, and proofreading medical content, blogs, and scientific articles.
    Tags :World obesity dayChildren obesityPrevention of obesityAwareness on obesityObesity day World obesity day 2024