World Hypertension Day 2023
17 May 2023
8 mins
World Hypertension Day 2023Beat Hypertension, Embrace A Healthy Life   World Hypertension Day was first introduced in 2005 on May 17th. The world hypertension league first introduced it. This year the world hypertension league has developed the world hypertension theme 2023 is “Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer.” World Hypertension Day is a global initiative to raise awareness about hypertension, its prevention, and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With an increasing prevalence of hypertension worldwide, this day serves as a reminder to prioritize our heart health and take proactive steps toward managing and preventing this silent killer.   Do you know? One out of four Indian adults suffers from hypertension. The incidence of hypertension in India is increasing yearly and is also a causal factor for various heart and kidney diseases.   On account of world hypertension day 2023 [], please read this article to acquire some insights about hypertension and its risk factors and learn how to manage hypertension by implementing some simple changes.   HYPERTENSION: “THE TENSION THAT PRESSURES YOUR HEART”   Persistently elevated blood pressure levels characterize hypertension (high blood pressure) []. Mostly it is asymptomatic and can go unnoticed for years, silently damaging vital organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys.   Hypertension is life-threatening with blood pressure above the normal 120/80 mm Hg level. The upper value refers to systolic pressure, and the lower value denotes diastolic pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure given by the arteries when the heart beats, whereas diastolic pressure is exerted by the arteries when the heart relaxes between the beats.    KNOW THE BLOOD PRESSURE READINGS AND FIND OUT THE CATEGORY YOU BELONG TO:   There are four categories of hypertension []    Your blood pressure is considered normal if it is more or less equal to 120/80mmHg.   1. Elevated blood pressure is a category where the systolic pressure measures between 120- 129 mmHg and the diastolic pressure measures less than 80 mmHg. 2. Hypertension stage 1 occurs if your systolic pressure ranges between 130-139 mmHg and your diastolic pressure ranges between 80-89mmHg. 3. Hypertension stage 2 is severe when blood pressure is measured above 140/90 mmHg. 4. Hypertensive crisis is a critical category with remarkably high readings, above 180/120mmHg. This condition requires immediate medical support.   HYPERTENSION IS A THREAT TO SEVERAL DISEASES:    Most hypertensive patients in India are unaware of untreated hypertension and its complications.   On this world hypertension day 2023, learn about the long-term effects of hypertension.   * Stroke (heart attack) - A common complication of high BP occurs because of the thickening of the arteries due to cuts off the oxygen supply to the brain. * Kidney diseases - These occur due to uncontrolled hypertension that causes the narrowing of blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the Kidneys. Thus, the functioning of the Kidney gets retarded slowly as it fails to purify the blood and loses its ability to regulate the fluid balance in the body. * Retinopathy - It is common in hypertension because high blood pressure can damage blood vessels that supply the eyes and cause visual disturbances or loss of vision. * Hardening of arteries - It has been linked with hypertension because high blood pressure can cause damage to the blood vessels and tends to weaken them, which can further lead to the build-up of bad cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels. * Heart failure - It is associated with hypertension because of the increased workload of the heart. It becomes difficult for the heart to pump blood with high blood pressure.   BE INFORMED ABOUT THE RISK FACTORS:   * Chronic alcoholics * Chain-smoking * Sedentary lifestyle * Consuming fat-rich and salty foods * Family history of Hypertension and heart diseases * Long-term use of birth control pills * High Body mass index * Comorbidities like Diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, and cardiac diseases * Stress   TREATMENT FOR MANAGING HYPERTENSION:   First, you must know your accurate blood pressure reading before starting the treatment. In case when the blood pressure is more than 140/90 mmHg, your physician may prescribe you blood pressure-lowering medications either as a monotherapy or a combination with other hypertensive drugs.    Commonly prescribed antihypertensive drugs are diuretics, calcium channel blockers, Angiotensin receptor blockers, and enzyme inhibitors. Blood pressure-lowering medications can aid in flushing out excess sodium from the body. Most antihypertensive drugs work by relaxing the blood vessels or preventing them from getting narrower. These medications can work effectively to bring down blood pressure. Yet, the real problem lies with treatment adherence since most patients are noncompliant with the treatment and discontinue once the levels have dropped to normal.    FIVE BASIC LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT:   * Indulge in physical activity such as aerobic exercises, yoga, and walking. Give at least 30 minutes of the day to your physical and mental well-being is vital to maintain a normal BMI. * Follow the DASH diet- a dietary option to stop hypertension [] to combat hypertension. It is a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Strictly say no to foods that contain excess salt, high fat, meat, and dairy products. * Keep your stress at bay. * Monitor your blood pressure regularly and be aware before it damages your major body organs. * Avoid excess alcohol consumption and quit smoking.   “Regular Blood Pressure Monitoring Is Power”   Keep a blood pressure monitor at home periodically to avoid a hypertensive crisis. Regular BP monitoring can also aid in tracking your heart status. Calibrating the home BP monitor once every six months is vital for accurate readings. Ensure to maintain a logbook of all your BP readings and report it to your physician during every hospital visit. So, on World hypertension day 2023, pledge to monitor your blood pressure regularly and follow a healthy lifestyle to live longer.
Dr. Archana
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Symptoms – Explained
25 Mar 2022
6 mins
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Symptoms – ExplainedWHAT IS HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE?   Hypertension (HBP or high blood pressure) is the point at which your circulatory strain, the power of your blood pushing against the dividers of your arteries or veins, is excessively high. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a typical condition wherein the drawn-out power of the blood against your corridor dividers is sufficiently high that it might ultimately cause medical issues, like coronary illness. Blood pressure is regulated by how much blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to the bloodstream in your veins: the more blood your heart pumps and the smaller your veins, the higher your pulse. A circulatory strain perusing is given in millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). It has two numbers.   * The top number (systolic strain) - The first, or upper, number estimates the pressure in your arteries when your heartbeats. * The base number (diastolic strain) - The second, or lower, number estimates the pressure in your arteries between beats.   SO, WHAT ARE THE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE SYMPTOMS?   A few high blood pressure symptoms to look out for if your blood pressure is highly high are:   * Serious migraines * Nosebleed * Exhaustion or confusion * Vision issues * Chest torment * Trouble breathing * Irregular heartbeat * Blood in the urine * Beating in your chest, neck, or ears.   A few other uncommon high blood pressure symptoms may be:   * Dizziness * Nervousness  * Excessive sweating * Inconvenience sleeping * Facial flushing * Blood spots in eyes   WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF HYPERTENSION?   There are two sorts of hypertension.   1. ESSENTIAL (PRIMARY) HYPERTENSION   For most grown-ups, there's no recognizable reason for hypertension. This kind of hypertension, called essential (primary) hypertension, will generally foster step by step over numerous years.   2. SECONDARY HYPERTENSION   Specific individuals have hypertension brought about by a primary condition. This sort of hypertension, called secondary hypertension, will generally show up abruptly and cause more severe hypertension than essential hypertension. Different circumstances and drugs can prompt optional hypertension, including:   * Obstructive sleep apnea * Kidney sickness * Adrenal organ cancer * Thyroid issues * Certain defects you're brought into the world with (inherent) in veins * Certain meds, for example, contraception pills, cold cures, decongestants, over-the-counter pain killers, and a few physicians recommended drugs * Unlawful drugs, like cocaine and amphetamines.   HOW TO REDUCE HEALTH PRESSURE?   If you've been determined to have hypertension, you may be stressed over taking medicines to cut your numbers down. The way of life assumes a fundamental part in treating your hypertension. Assuming you effectively control your hypertension with a reliable way of life, you could stay away from, delay, or diminish the requirement for medicines.   This is the way a difference in the course of life can help:   1. LOSE ADDITIONAL POUNDS AND WATCH YOUR WAISTLINE   Hypertension often increases as weight rises. Being overweight or obese additionally can cause disturbed breathing while you sleep (sleep apnea), which further raises your circulatory strain.   Weight reduction is one of the best life changes for controlling pulse.   2. EXERCISE REGULARLY   Regular physical activity - like 150 minutes per week or around 30 minutes most days of the week - can bring down your hypertension by about 5 to 8 mm Hg, assuming you have hypertension. It's fundamental to be steady because your hypertension can rise again if you quit working out. If you have hypertension, exercise can assist you with trying not to foster hypertension.   3. EAT A HEALTHY DIET   Eating a healthy diet rich in whole grains, organic products, vegetables, and low-fat dairy items and holding back on saturated fat and cholesterol can bring down your hypertension by up to 11 mm Hg assuming that you have hypertension. This diet is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet.   4. DIMINISH SODIUM IN YOUR EATING ROUTINE   Indeed, even a slight decrease or reduction in the sodium level in your eating regimen can further develop your heart's well-being and diminish hypertension by around 5 to 6 mm Hg assuming that you have hypertension. The impact of sodium consumption on hypertension fluctuates among groups of people. By and large, limit sodium to 2,300 milligrams (mg) a day or less. Nonetheless, a lower sodium admission - 1,500 mg daily or less - is excellent for most grown-ups.   5. LIMIT HOW MUCH LIQUOR YOU DRINK   Liquor can be both great and terrible for your well-being. By drinking liquor with some restraint - for the most part, one beverage daily for women, or two per day for men - you might bring down your circulatory strain by around 4 mm Hg. One drink raises to 12 ounces of brew, five ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof alcohol.   6. STOP SMOKING   Every cigarette you smoke builds your hypertension for a long time after you finish. Halting smoking assists your blood pressure to get back to business as usual. Stopping smoking can decrease your gamble of coronary illness and work on your general well-being. Individuals who quit smoking might live longer than individuals who never stopped smoking.   7. DECREASE YOUR STRESS   Ongoing stress might add to hypertension. Intermittent stress additionally can add to hypertension, assuming you respond to pressure by eating undesirable food, drinking liquor, or smoking.   Invest in some opportunity to contemplate what makes you feel worried, like work, family, finances, or ailment. When you know what's causing your pressure, consider how you can dispense with or lessen anxiety.     Thus, the above methods can also act as high blood pressure treatment.    Screen your hypertension at home and see your PCP routinely. Home checking can assist you with monitoring your hypertension. Hypertension screens are accessible generally and without a remedy. Converse with your primary care physician about home observing before you begin. Customary encounters with your PCP are likewise essential to controlling your pulse. If your blood pressure is very much controlled, check with your primary care physician concerning how frequently you want to look at it.  
Know What Causes Low Blood Pressure And Its Effects On Heart
9 Nov 2021
5 mins
Know What Causes Low Blood Pressure And Its Effects On HeartThe desirable blood pressure range is 120/80mmHg. Low blood pressure reading usually consists of 90/60mmHg or lower. Mostly low blood pressure is desirable. But if blood pressure is too low, it can cause dizziness, blurred vision, fainting, etc. Severely low blood pressure can be life-threatening.    Let’s understand what causes low blood pressure, its effects on the heart and problems associated with low diastolic blood pressure.   8 PRIMARY CONDITIONS THAT CAUSE LOW BLOOD PRESSURE?   Low blood pressure can occur in different manners. Some people may experience a sudden drop in blood pressure when they stand up from a sitting or lying position.  Some people experience low blood pressure after 1 or 2 hours after eating or after standing for long periods.   Let’s discuss what causes low blood pressure:   1. Heart problems: An extremely rapid or very slow heartbeat, heart valve disease, heart attack, and heart failure can cause low blood pressure.   2. Medications: Medications prescribed to treat high blood pressure and heart disorders are the ones that most often cause a drop in blood pressure as a side effect. Drugs used to treat Parkinson’s disease, depression, and erectile dysfunction can also cause low blood pressure.    3. Blood loss: Too little blood volume may be caused by severe injury, internal bleeding, or dehydration. Reduced blood volume can cause a severe drop in blood pressure.   4. Endocrine disorders: Imbalance in certain hormone production can cause low blood pressure. Addison’s disease, parathyroid disease, hypothyroidism, low or high blood sugar levels can cause a drop in blood pressure.    5. Infection of the bloodstream: In some people, the bacterial, viral or fungal infection occurring in the body enters the bloodstream. This infection becomes very severe and affects the organs. The damage in the blood vessels caused by the infection can cause very low blood pressure.   6. Poor diet: If your diet lacks folate, vitamin B12 and iron, your body cannot produce sufficient red blood cells and cause low blood pressure.   7. Severe allergic reactions: Certain medications such as antibiotics, foods such as peanut, stings of bees, latex, etc., can cause severe allergic reactions within minutes in some people called anaphylactic shock. It can cause breathing problems, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and very low blood pressure.   8. Pregnancy: A drop in blood pressure is common in pregnancy, especially during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. Changes in circulation, increased demand for blood and swinging hormones can lower blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is usually restored after childbirth.   LOW DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE EFFECTS ON THE HEART:   1. Low blood pressure leads to poor blood flow and could result in nutrients and oxygen not reaching vital organs such as the brain and heart. If you have low systolic blood pressure, it can cause fainting, lightheadedness, and weakness. Low diastolic blood pressure itself doesn’t cause any symptoms.    2. If you have heart disease, it becomes essential that your diastolic blood pressure is not lower than 70mmHg [].   3. People who have low diastolic blood pressure are twice as likely to have heart damage when compared with people who have stage 1 high diastolic blood pressure (80-89mmHg).   4. Low diastolic blood pressure is also associated with a higher risk of heart attack [] and hospitalization for heart failure.    WHEN LOW BLOOD PRESSURE SEEKS ATTENTION?   Low blood pressure is mostly considered harmless. But you need to give attention to low blood pressure at certain times. If you feel any signs of low blood pressure such as dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, feeling faint, tiredness, or lack of concentration, you should consult your physician.  
 High Blood Pressure
1 Nov 2021
5 mins
Effective Home Remedies for High Blood PressureIf you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, you need to make some lifestyle changes to keep your blood pressure under control. Uncontrolled blood pressure can damage the blood vessels and lead to heart attack, kidney disorders, etc.    Let’s discuss some wonderful home remedies for high blood pressure.  7 HOME CARE REMEDIES FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE:   1. Stay physically active:   Regular physical activity [] is the best home care for high blood pressure. It helps the heart to pump blood efficiently and lowers high blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of diabetes and other heart problems. Moderate physical activity of 150 minutes or intense physical activity of 75 minutes per week will help you to lower blood pressure.  It’s a common opinion that vigorous activity only provides benefits. But low-level exercise also provides you with enough benefits if you are consistently doing it every day. Go for a brisk walk for 30 minutes every day. Try jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing. Reduce your sitting time during the day.    2. Limit salt intake:   Limit your daily salt intake between 1500 to 2300mg. Having 1500mg [] or less of salt will be even ideal for lowering your high blood pressure. Cook foods with less salt. Spice your food with herbs. You can add cardamom, dill, curry, ginger, bay leaf, and basil.  When buying foods, look for labels on food packages. Buy if the sodium content per serving is less than 140 mg.   3. Achieve healthy weight:   If you are overweight, losing even a little weight will help to reduce high blood pressure.  Body mass index (BMI) in the range of 18.5 – 24.9 is a healthy weight. It is calculated from your weight and height. BMI= Kg/m2.  Even if you are a healthy weight, if you have belly fat, it will raise your blood pressure and many health problems. Men should keep the waist the waist-length below 102 centimeters. Women should keep the waist length below 89 centimeters. Stay physically active and lose weight.   4. Say no to alcohol and smoking:   Smoking can damage your blood vessels and increases blood pressure dangerously. It can cause worse health problems. Drinking alcohol not merely increases your blood pressure; it also decreases the effectiveness of blood pressure medications.  Quit smoking and alcohol drinking and lower your blood pressure. If you can’t completely avoid drinking alcohol, minimize your drink size. Men should not take more than two standard drinks per day. Women should not take more than one standard drink per day.   5. Follow proper sleep habits:   Lack of proper sleep will raise your blood pressure. The less you sleep, the higher your blood pressure will be. Lack of sleep can influence hormones and increase blood pressure. Here are some tips to get proper sleep: * Reduce using electronic gadgets before sleep. * Lower the light and noise in your bedroom. * Follow a regular schedule for sleep, even on weekend days also. * Try to have at least 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep per night.   6. Follow a healthy diet:   A healthy diet is the best part of home care for high blood pressure. * Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. * Choose healthy protein-rich foods (beans, lentils, peas, seeds, nuts, and fish). * Choose skim milk. * Limit red meat, fat, added sugars and sweets. * Include potassium []-rich foods in the diet. It can lower the effects of sodium on blood pressure. Bananas, dates, oranges, raisins, kiwi, mushrooms, potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin, and apricots are rich in potassium.   7. Manage stress:   Stress narrows your blood vessels and causes your heart to beat faster. High stress levels can raise your blood pressure. Reacting to stress influences a lot in raising blood pressure. Instead of smoking, drinking alcohol or overeating, follow healthy ways to reduce your stress. Find out the factors that cause your stress.  It will help you to figure out a way to avoid stress. Exercising for 30 minutes per day lowers your stress. Listen to calming music. Try meditation or yoga. It will help to strengthen your body and lower your blood pressure. Plan your schedule to avoid stressful work situations.   THE BOTTOM LINE:   Physical activity is a wonderful home remedy for high blood pressure. Physical activity also helps with improving sleep, losing weight, and reducing stress.  These home remedies for high blood pressure not only lower your high blood pressure it also protects you from the risk of various chronic diseases []. Start following the remedies and be consistent with them. It will definitely help to lower your blood pressure. Stay healthy. Stay happy.  
Lower blood pressure supplements
28 Oct 2021
11 mins
11 Best Supplements To Lower Blood PressureModifying your lifestyle by incorporating healthy practices is the first step to control blood pressure. Sometimes the food that you intake might not provide adequate nutrients to support your body, and that is when you can take them in the form of natural supplements. Specific Vitamins and minerals are referred to as natural blood pressure pills that are known to help lower your blood pressure effectively.    Read further to know about the natural supplements that lower blood pressure and how to obtain them through food. Disclaimer: The information and contents provided below are for informational purposes only and not a substitute for a professional recommendation. Kindly consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any of these supplements.    11 BEST SUPPLEMENTS TO LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE:   1. Magnesium:   We all know that excess sodium in the blood contributes to high BP. When you take magnesium supplements, it functions as a natural calcium channel blocker and reduces calcium and sodium levels within the cells. This improves the lining of the heart and blood vessels and promotes dilation, easing blood flow. You can take about 500mg to 1000mg of magnesium in a day to see a visible difference in your blood pressure values.    Natural sources of magnesium: * Dark chocolate * Avocado * Nuts * Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and flax seeds * Beans * Soy paneer * Whole grains like oats, barley, quinoa etc. * Bananas * Leafy greens   Magnesium is beneficial in preventing hypertension and also as an adjunct to standard antihypertensive therapy. It also enhances the BP-lowering activity of other blood pressure medications when taken together. 2. Calcium:   Calcium helps lower blood pressure among pregnant women. High calcium intake during pregnancy can prevent high BP related complications during childbirth and reduce the risk of long-term hypertension.    Natural sources of calcium: * Low-fat milk * Paneer * Broccoli * Cereals * Yoghurt * Dried figs * Orange * Cheese * Soybeans 3. Omega 3 fatty acids:   Omega 3 fatty acids increase the excitability of the heart by maintaining the function of ion channels and act against inflammation and stress. They improve the blood flow by decreasing the secretion of substances that induce inflammation and enhancing the rate of heart contraction and relaxation. The positive impact it creates on the lining of the heart blood vessels reduces the blood pressure.   Natural ways to supplement omega 3 fatty acids is through the consumption of the following foods: * Fish oil * Flaxseed oil * Walnuts * Eggs * Flaxseeds * Hemp * Salmon * Tuna   Omega 3 fatty acids are abundant in flax seeds, fish oil, walnuts etc. However, Omega 3 fatty acids supplements like Paradox Omega-3 Cardio [] are also available in tablets and capsules that are natural blood pressure pills.   4. Proteins, peptides, amino acids:   One of the most practical ways to include peptides, proteins and amino acids in your daily life is by consuming whey protein. Whey protein is a natural and rich source of amino acids and peptides that normalise the heart's inner lining and acts against the enzyme that increases blood pressure (angiotensin-converting enzyme).    L-arginine is an amino acid that naturally synthesizes nitric oxide, which is involved in several important mechanisms to maintain heart health.   A study revealed that patients who consumed about 4-24grams of L-arginine supplement per day showed a substantial reduction in blood pressure within 4 week []   Some of the natural ways to include protein and peptides in your diet are through consumption of the following foods: * Tuna * Fish * Milk and milk products   Foods rich in l-arginine: * Peanuts * Almonds * Walnuts * Cashews * Pumpkin seeds * Milk * Meat * Whole grains   5. Vitamin C:   Supplementation of vitamin C is beneficial for delaying heart disease in high BP patients. Elderly patients who already take plenty of blood pressure medications shall benefit from 600mg of vitamin C supplementation every day. Supplementing vitamin C in hypertension also improves the effect of blood pressure medications you are already taking.   Fruits and vegetables are enriched with vitamin C. You can naturally lower your blood pressure if you include the following foods: * Citrus fruits * Kiwi * Tomatoes * Broccoli * Strawberries 6. Soluble fibres:   Fibres promote the absorption of nutrients by the body, maintain glucose and cholesterol levels and support heart health. Regular fibre intake reduces the risk of heart diseases by managing cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.    Foods rich in soluble fibres: * Oats * Psyllium husk * Guava * Dry beans * Lentils     7. Coenzyme Q10:   Co-enzyme Q10 assists the body in generating glucose and fatty acids for energy supply. The body's ability to produce coenzyme Q10 declines with age, and this is when dietary supplementation becomes necessary.   Coenzyme Q10 converts into its reduced form called ubiquinol and takes part in circulation. It works by improving heart function, inhibiting factors responsible for inflammation and reducing oxidative stress.   Foods that contain Coenzyme Q10: * Cabbage * Broccoli * Beef liver * Oily fish * Spinach * Avocado * Olive oil * Chicken breasts * Oranges   100-300mg of Coenzyme q10 is sufficient to reduce blood pressure. This supplement is available in the market as tablets and capsules.   8. Melatonin:   Melatonin is a natural hormone generally secreted at night to maintain the heart rhythm and sleep pattern. If you are a hypertensive patient taking a medication called beta-blockers, the chances are that your melatonin secretion is inhibited. You can overcome this by supplementing melatonin in foods.    2-5mg of melatonin per day improves your sleep quality and reduces the chance of high BP at night. You can also obtain adequate melatonin supplementation naturally through mushrooms, cereals, eggs, fish and nuts.   9. Garlic extract:   Garlic is rich in sulfides that help in relaxing smooth muscles and blood vessels to lower blood pressure. Lack of sulphur in the body might contribute to high blood pressure, and this could be alleviated through sulphur-containing foods like garlic.   10. Probiotics:   Sometimes, an unhealthy lifestyle and bad dietary habits take a toll on intestinal health. Our intestine has more than a trillion cells of microorganisms that benefit digestive health. If the composition and diversity of the good bacteria are disturbed, it leads to the release of inflammatory factors that negatively impact arteries, kidneys and blood pressure.    Probiotics refer to the live microorganisms like bacteria and yeast that help maintain the natural balance of good microbes in the intestine once consumed.    One of the best ways to include probiotics in your diet is through the consumption of fermented foods. Few of the most popular fermented foods are: * Fermented milk * Fermented soybean * Fermented rice bran   11. Taurine:   Taurine is naturally present as amino acids in the heart, brain, kidneys, blood vessels, intestine and muscles. Supplementation of taurine provides several health benefits. It protects the cells and prevents disorders like hypertension, diabetes, vision problems, infertility, obesity etc. In patients with mild hypertension, it dilates the blood vessels, improves blood flow and reduces blood pressure.    Natural sources of taurine: * Chicken * Turkey * Tuna   If you are a vegan or vegetarian, you may need to take taurine supplement, the recommended dose is one capsule once or twice a day.    STAY HEALTHY WITH RIGHT SUPPLEMENTS:   High blood pressure [] is often regarded as "the silent killer" due to its ability to induce several health complications. You can decrease your blood pressure naturally by implementing lifestyle changes and consuming nutritious foods. Vitamins and minerals are like natural pills that lower blood pressure and these nutrients can be obtained from foods. If you are keen on lowering your blood pressure naturally, ensure that you consume adequate unprocessed foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans.  
Lower Blood Pressure
25 Oct 2021
4 mins
Eight Simple Tricks To Lower Blood Pressure Instantly During Blood Pressure SpikesSometimes you may experience a sudden increase in blood pressure. It may be due to stress, diet, medications, etc. It occurs for a short time and returns to normal. Your physician can prescribe a medicine to control it. If you experience severe headaches, chest pain, shortness of breath, confusion, or seizures, you should go to the hospital immediately.   Your symptoms may be milder or severe.    Here are eight tricks to lower blood pressure instantly. These tips which include lower blood pressure supplements [] that will support you to immediately lower blood pressure until you get medical help.    TRY THESE TRICKS TO LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE INSTANTLY:   1. Let yourself free from the task you are currently engaged in. Lie down and try to calm yourself to immediately lower blood pressure. When you lie down, the workload of your heart gets reduced. Take slow deep breaths. Being calm will help you to reduce blood pressure.   2. Take your blood pressure medicines immediately if your physician has already prescribed them for you.   3. Eat 1 or 2 squares of dark chocolate. The flavonoids such as catechin present in dark chocolate help widen your blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It helps your body by releasing the endorphins. The release of endorphins calms you down.  It also helps decrease bad cholesterol, which is a risk factor for heart disease and increases good cholesterol.   4. Ask your family member or friend to prepare a green tea, hibiscus tea or pomegranate juice for you.  * Green tea – It is packed with antioxidants. It improves the flow of blood and decreases inflammation in the heart tissues. The flavonoid catechin [] is also present in green tea. Steeping longer than normally would get more catechins in tea. * Hibiscus tea – Hibiscus flower petals are used to make tea which may immediately lower blood pressure. Its antioxidant properties promote heart health. Consult with your doctor if it is suitable for you. * Pomegranate juice – Its antioxidant capacity is higher than green tea. It also contains potassium and healthy nutrients, which are helpful in lowering blood pressure.              Strictly avoid coffee, black tea, or alcohol at this time.   5. Relieve yourself from stressful situations. If you are stressed, the hormones released in your body will constrict your blood vessels and temporarily spike your blood pressure. Close your eyes and picture a favorite memory or place. Listen to soft music. It will decrease your blood pressure and stress hormone levels in your body.  6. Squeeze some lemon juice in the water. Lemon is loaded with plant compounds, vitamins, and minerals that help to lower your blood pressure. It makes the blood vessels flexible and regulates blood pressure levels. 7. Bananas – this easy to eat fruit is less in sodium and rich in potassium. Potassium [] is a mineral that is vital for reducing blood pressure. Potassium lowers the effects of sodium and decreases the tension in blood vessel walls. 8. Berries – Take any of the berries such as strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries. Have some blueberries, if possible, as they are loaded with nitric oxide, a gas that promotes blood flow and thereby helps to lower blood pressure instantly.   SAY NO TO BLOOD PRESSURE SPIKES THROUGH A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE:   Lowering blood pressure through lifestyle modifications is the optimal thing to do. It will keep your blood pressure down and avoid blood pressure spikes. Most often, you experience symptoms if the blood pressure is severely elevated.  Following the mentioned tips helps to immediately lower blood pressure and make you stay better until you get proper medical help. Follow a healthy lifestyle. Live well  