Strengthen Your Bones With 5 Simple Yoga Tips All Is About Osteoporosis

Strengthen Your Bones With 5 Simple Yoga Tips  All Is About Osteoporosis
9 Feb 2023
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Strengthen Your Bones With 5 Simple Yoga Tips All Is About Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis can increase the risk of fractures by weakening the bones. Fortunately, there is a lot we can do to prevent osteoporosis with early care. One thing which helps prevent osteoporosis is yoga. Read to know the benefits of yoga for bones and how to do yoga poses good for osteoporosis.


    Yoga can improve posture, strength, and balance, which can help lower the risks of fractures and falls. A 2016 study states that twelve minutes of daily yoga raises bone mineral density and helps reverse bone loss in the spine and femur. It also reduces stress, helps ease pain, and improves flexibility and sleep.

    5 Essential Poses Of Yoga For Better Bones

    Let’s learn how to do the 5 yoga poses that keep bones healthy and stronger.

    1. Vrksasana


    1. Stand straight in a relaxed pose.
    2. Now slowly bend the right knee and place the sole of the right foot on the left thigh.
    3. Raise the hands over your head or press the palms together in front of the chest.
    4. Focus your gaze on something at a fixed point to keep your balance.
    5. Take five to ten breaths and gently lower your hands and legs.
    6. Repeat the process with the other leg.

    2. Bhujangasana


    1. Lie down flat on your stomach.
    2. Legs should be closer, with your feet and heels slightly touching each other.
    3. With palms touching the ground, place the hands under the shoulders and keep the elbows parallel and close to the torso.
    4. Inhale and slowly lift the head, chest, and abdomen and keep your navel on the floor.
    5. With the support of the hands, pull your torso back and off the floor.
    6. When possible, you can straighten the arms by arching the back as much as you can, tilt the head back and look up.
    7. Maintain the pose and take four to five breaths.
    8. Now breathe out and bring back the head, abdomen, and chest to the floor and relax.


    3. Savasana


    1. Lie down flat on your back and close your eyes.
    2. Stretch the arms and legs comfortably and leave your palms open and facing upward.
    3. Let breathing occur naturally, and focus your attention on parts of your body one by one.
    4. You can stay in this pose for ten to twenty minutes. Make sure you don’t sleep while lying.
    5. When you feel relaxed, you can reach a normal seated position and open your eyes.

    4. Virabhadrasana II


    1. Stand with your legs apart by a distance of at least three feet.
    2. Now turn the left foot outwards by 90 degrees and the right foot inwards by 15 degrees.
    3. Lift both arms sideways to shoulder height while your palms should be facing upwards.
    4. Bend your right knee and turn your head and look at the right side. In this posture, stretch your arms a little further.
    5. Gently push the pelvis down as much as possible and hold the posture for a few seconds.
    6. Get back to normal posture and repeat the process for the next side.


    5. Setu Bandhasana 


    1. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Your feet should be flat on the floor.
    2. Place your arms on your sides, and the palms should face down.
    3. Press the feet into the floor and lift the hips off the floor as you exhale. Gently squeeze the knees to keep them apart by a hip distance.
    4. Gently roll the shoulders and lift the chest towards the chin. Keep your legs in a parallel position and your feet pressed firmly on the ground.
    5. Stay in this posture for one or two minutes.
    6. Exhale and slowly come back to normal position.

    Takeaway Note

    If you have not done yoga before, take lessons from a professional instructor to do it properly and avoid injuries. Before you begin practicing regularly, consult your doctor if you have osteoporosis or are at risk of developing osteoporosis. Your physician may tell you which exercises suit you and how often you can do that. If a particular pose is causing you pain or discomfort, stop it immediately, as not all yoga poses are appropriate for everybody with osteoporosis.

    Written by
    GuruvigneshwariMedical Content Writer
    AboutM.Pharm (Pharmacognosy)
    Tags :Yoga for bonesyoga for strong bonesyoga for osteoporosis