10 Best Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin

10 Best Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin
11 May 2022
6 mins
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10 Best Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin

    Do you know? There are 10 ways to take care of your skin.


    Implement these 10 ways in your routine to provide maximum benefits to your skin.

    1. Apply sunscreen every day:


    Regular application of sunscreen and wearing hats before going out is essential to protect your skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays. Earlier sun exposure was considered healthy, but too much exposure can damage the skin and may lead to skin cancer.

    Invest in a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF above 30. Apply them half an hour before going out and reapply every two hours. Sunscreens are not just for sunny days. The clouds will block the bright UVA rays on colder days, but you will still expose your skin to the UVB rays. Hence, you need to apply sunscreen even if it is cold outside. 

    2. Use products that match the nature of your skin:


    Identify whether your skin is dry, oily, combination, sensitive or normal before investing in any skincare product. This can save your skin from damage as well as your money. Some products are more suited for oily skin, while others work great for dry skin. Read the product indication on the label before buying any skincare product. Do not continue using a product if it is causing too much irritation and itching.

    3. Wash your face gently:


    Invest in a good, gentle cleanser to use twice a day. Travelling outdoors can accumulate dust particles on the skin and cause breakouts. Hence, it is essential to clean your skin once before you apply your moisturizer and other skincare products and once in the evening after removing your makeup. Your cleanser need not produce lather to clean thoroughly. Always pat your skin dry using a soft towel instead of rubbing your face.

    4. Exercise helps your skin too:


    We all know how exercise benefits our bodies to reduce weight and remain healthy. It boosts heart health and ensures that blood flows to every body part. You can opt for yoga asanas and pranayama to experience a cooling effect. Sun salutation poses help detoxify the system and retain the skin's natural glow.

    5. Hydration and more hydration:


    This has been stressed enough by skin care specialists. We often forget to drink sufficient water when we get engrossed in our daily schedules. Adequate intake of water and lemon water with honey helps remove toxins from your systems and keeps your skin healthy and naturally glowing.

    6. Eat foods that are beneficial for your skin:


    Foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants are the best if you want your skin to glow. Kiwi is loaded with a rich source of vitamin C that helps increase iron absorption, produces red blood cells, repairs DNA and keeps your teeth, hair, nails and skin healthy.

    Jackfruit, custard apples and chikoo are rich in vitamin A and magnesium that helps reduce inflammation and keeps the heart-healthy. Apart from this, they also help detox your body by relieving constipation and enhancing the health of the eyes, hair and skin.

    7. Exfoliate your skin:


    Exfoliators can be physical or chemical in nature. Chemical exfoliators are those available on the market, and they cleanse your skin deeply without irritating your skin. On the other hand, physical exfoliators include scrubs and abrasives containing small grain-like particles to remove dead cells on top of your skin.

    While exfoliation is excellent for boosting cell turnover, doing it too often can lead to inflammation and damage to your skin. Limit scrubbing to two to three times a week, and do not go overboard with it.

    8. Sleep well at night:


    7-8 hours of peaceful night sleep is a must for maintaining good skin and overall health. Most of the skin cells repair themselves at night when you have a good quality sleep, and that is why it is referred to as 'beauty sleep'.

    9. Read the ingredients list before purchasing a product:


    There are various choices for you to choose from when it comes to skincare products. However, it is vital to pay attention to the ingredient list before buying any skincare product because some products contain harmful ingredients that could irritate your skin. Some ingredients may trigger allergies. So it is advisable to discuss with your dermatologist before buying a product if you frequently get skin allergies.


    Alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, hyaluronic acid, retinol, kojic acid are some of the essential ingredients that you frequently find in skincare products nowadays. These ingredients are great for improving your skin texture and keeping blemishes away.

    10. Visit your dermatologist:


    This is the most important among the '10 ways to take care of your skin regimen. If you have any underlying skin problem, following the above methods will not work for you until you visit your dermatologist. Discuss with your dermatologist about your skin type to find out what works for you.


    Written by
    BhairaviContent Writer
    AboutPharm D
    Tags :skin care regimensteps for glowing skinmethods to take care of the skinskin treatment