This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

Ferric citrate received FDA approval for treating hyperphosphatemia in adult patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis on September 5, 2014.

Mechanism of Action of undefined

The therapeutic effect of ferric citrate is the replenishment of iron stores in the body, improving symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, increased energy levels, enhanced cognitive function, potential improvements in exercise performance, and specific benefits for individuals with chronic kidney disease. It helps address the underlying iron deficiency, promoting the production of red blood cells, oxygen transport, and overall well-being. 

Uses of undefined

Ferric citrate is used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia and hyperphosphatemia

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

Take the medication exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. The dosage and frequency will be determined based on your specific needs, the severity of your condition, and other factors. Ferric citrate is typically taken orally with water. Follow the instructions on whether to take it with or without food.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


Ferric citrate carries important warnings that should be considered. These include the risk of allergic reactions and potential gastrointestinal side effects such as constipation or diarrhea. It can show interactions with other medications. This medication can cause problems in the liver and kidneys. The effectiveness of this medication in pediatric patients has not been established. 


Patients with preexisting liver, lung, kidney heart disease should tell their healthcare provider proper treatment. In such patients, regular monitoring of iron levels in the body is important. It is crucial to follow the guidance of healthcare professionals, report any concerning symptoms promptly, and be aware of the potential risks and benefits associated with ferric citrate use.

Side Effects

The side effects known to occur commonly during the treatment with Ferric citrate are muscle, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, rashes, weight gain, change of taste, black stools, and fatigue.

Word Of Advice

Advice regarding ferric citrate is to consult a healthcare professional before starting or making any changes to your medication regimen. They can assess your medical history, evaluate potential risks and benefits, provide personalized guidance, and monitor your progress throughout treatment. Additionally, closely follow the instructions and recommendations your healthcare provider gives, report any unusual or concerning symptoms promptly, and communicate openly about any concerns or questions you may have. Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals should consult with healthcare professionals before using this medication. Your healthcare professional is the best resource for ensuring safe and effective medication use.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. Akebia Therapeutics, Inc., US Food & Drug Administration, [Revised on Mar 2021] [Accessed on 13th July 2023],
  2. Propak Health Ltd, European Medicine Agency, [Revised on Sept, 2015] [Accessed on 13th July 2021],
  3. J. Goddard, A.N. Turner, Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease, Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, 22nd Edition, 2014, 461-523.


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice, it is meant for educational purposes only. For further details, consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you can receive this treatment.