This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

The U.S. FDA approved Ketoprofen for pain relieving on November 29, 2009, which belongs to the medication class known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 

Mechanism of Action of undefined

Ketoprofen works by blocking the release of prostaglandins, which are chemical messengers that cause fever, pain, and inflammation. When applied to the skin, ketoprofen gradually enters the bloodstream and inhibits the activity of the enzyme COX, reducing prostaglandin synthesis and providing relief from pain and inflammation.

Uses of undefined

Ketoprofen is used as a pain-relieving patch that can treat various conditions such as sprains, strains, muscle spasms, chronic low back pain, and elbow pain. It is also effective in relieving pain from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

Take the Ketoprofen as your physician advises. Read the label carefully before using it. Clean the area of skin where you will apply the patch. Remove the backing from the patch and apply it to the skin, ensuring the entire patch is in contact with the skin. Your physician will decide the correct dosage and duration based on age, body weight, and disease condition. Only stop taking this if your doctor advises you to stop.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


Do not consume Ketoprofen if you are allergic to Ketoprofen or any of its ingredients in the medication. Do not use this medication if you have a history of photosensitivity reactions or skin conditions like eczema. Also, avoid using it on infected skin or open wounds to ensure safety and effectiveness. Consult your healthcare provider for any concerns or allergies.


Before taking the medicine, inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant, or think you may be pregnant or are breastfeeding. Notify your doctor if you have a history of any disease. If you notice any symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Side Effects

The most common side effects of Ketoprofen are erythema (skin redness), inflammation, rash, pruritus (itching), skin dryness, and swelling. 

Word Of Advice

Before starting to use this product, inform your doctor about all the underlying medical conditions. Do not peel it off until your doctor advises. Contact your doctor for more information. Keep out of sight and reach of pets and children. Always check the expiry date before consuming it.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. J Inflamm Res et al., The Anti-Inflammation and Anti-Nociception Effect of Ketoprofen in Rats Could Be Strengthened Through Co-Delivery of a H2S Donor, S-Propargyl-Cysteine  [Accessed on 19th July 2023]
  2. Sakeena M. H. F et al, Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Ketoprofen in Palm Oil Esters Nanoemulsion [Accessed on 19th July 2023]


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice. It is meant for educational purposes only. For further details, consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you are eligible to receive this treatment.