This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

Pentazocine lactate was initially approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on July 15, 1974.

Mechanism of Action of undefined

Pentazocine lactate involves binding to both kappa opioid receptors as an agonist and mu-opioid receptors as a weak antagonist. This dual activity modulates pain perception and transmission in the central nervous system, relieving pain. Its partial agonist activity at mu receptors relieves pain while limiting the potential for respiratory depression, though it still carries risks of side effects and misuse.

Uses of undefined

Pentazocine lactate manages moderate to severe pain in various medical contexts. It is often prescribed following surgeries, injuries, or pain associated with medical conditions such as cancer. Additionally, it can be utilized as a pain relief option for labor and delivery. Its analgesic properties make it valuable for addressing pain that requires more potent intervention than over-the-counter alternatives. 

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

The common routes of administration of Pentazocine lactate include intramuscular (IM) and intravenous (IV). Depending on the situation and the healthcare provider's recommendations, it can be administered through various routes. 

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


Intravenous use of Pentazocine lactate can lead to serious complications, including life-threatening events.  There is a risk of abuse and physical or psychological dependence with prolonged or improper use. Combining it with substances like alcohol or other central nervous system depressants can result in excessive sedation and respiratory depression, which can be dangerous. Altering the prescribed dosage without healthcare provider guidance can lead to unexpected side effects or inadequate pain relief. Individuals with a history of substance abuse or addiction may be more prone to misuse and dependence.


Ensure that pentazocine lactate is administered only as directed by a healthcare professional, and avoid any attempts to administer it intravenously. Use it only as prescribed by your healthcare provider and for the intended purpose of managing pain. Do not exceed the recommended dosage or use it for longer than advised. Avoid alcohol and other central nervous system depressants while taking this medication. If you experience excessive sedation or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately. Do not alter the prescribed dosage of it without consulting your healthcare provider. Changes in dosage should always be discussed with a medical professional.

Side Effects

Pentazocine lactate may cause a range of common and serious side effects. Common side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and sweating. Serious side effects include slowed or difficult breathing, mood or mental state changes, confusion, blurred vision, low blood pressure, and allergic reactions like rash or itching. Long-term use can lead to tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms. 

Word Of Advice

Inform your healthcare provider of your medical history, allergies, and current medications, as certain conditions or medications can interact with pentazocine Lactate. If you have respiratory issues, consult your healthcare provider due to the risk of respiratory depression. Consider your liver and kidney function, as adjustments to the dosage might be necessary. Those with a history of substance abuse should exercise caution, as it carries the potential for dependence and misuse. Its dosages should be closely monitored and adjusted by your healthcare provider. It is advisable not to stop the medication abruptly, and any mood or mental health changes should be communicated. Be cautious about accidental overdose and avoid sharing medication. In case of emergencies, know the signs of allergic reactions. Maintain open communication with your healthcare provider, attend follow-up appointments, and educate yourself about the medication for informed decision-making. Always follow your healthcare provider's instructions for this medication's safe and appropriate use.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. Goodman & Gilman’s, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Opioids, analgesia and pain management, 12th edition, 2011, 509.
  2. KD Tripathi, Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, Opioid analgesics and antagonists, 7th edition, 2013, 480 - 482.
  3. Hospira, Inc, US Food and Drug Administration, [Revised on Dec 2016] [ Accessed on 31 August 2023],
  4. Mylan, Electronic medicines compendium (EMC), [ Revised on 22nd Aug 2021] [ Accessed on August 31st, 2023],


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice, it is meant for educational purposes only. For further details, consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you can receive this treatment.